State Laws


There are 38 Licensed Acupuncturists in Alaska.

Ms. P.J. Gingras
Department of Commerce and Economic Development
Division of Occupational Licensing – Acupuncture
P.O. Box 110806
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0806
(907) 465-2695

Educational Requirements: By statute an applicant must have “completed a course of study consistent with the core curriculum and guidelines of the National Council of Acupuncture Schools and Colleges at a school approved by the department.” NCCAOM certification is required.

The Alaska Acupuncture Act


There are 9 licensed acupuncturists in Arkansas.

Mr. Clair Schaefer, President
P.O. Box 25611
Little Rock, AR 72221
(501) 228-0664

Educational Requirements:An applicant must complete a program in acupuncture and related techniques from a board approved institute that meets the minimum requirements of a board approved national accrediting body. The training must be of at least four academic years and include a minimum of 800 hours of supervised clinical practice.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM examinations in both acupuncture and Chinese herbology must be passed.

Arkansas Acupuncture Practices Act


There are 588 Registered Acupuncturists in the state of Colorado.

Contact: Ms. Linda Lawson
Department of Regulatory Agencies
Office of Acupuncturists Registration
1560 Broadway, Suite 1340
Denver, CO 80202 – 5140
(303) 894-2464

Educational and Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification is required.

MD’s, D.O.’s may practice acupuncture without any specialized training. Chiropractors must be certified with 100 hours of theory and clinic, plus an affidavit of 25 cases.

The Professions and Occupations Code of Colorado


Contact: Board of Medical Practice

It has not yet been determined whether acupuncture is the practice of medicine. Chiros are allowed to practice acupuncture with 100 hours or more of certified training.

Deleware Practitioners


There are 810 Certified Acupuncturists in Florida.

Contact: Penny Perkins
Division of Medical Quality Assurance
Board of Acupuncture
220 Capital Circle SE, Bin #C 06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-32560761
(904) 488-6015

Educational Requirements:An applicant must complete a three year course of study in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, and effective July 1, 2001, a four year course of study in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, which meets standards established by the board by rule. However, any person who enrolled in ana authorized course of study in acupuncture before August 1, 1997, must have completed only a 2-year course of study.

Examination Requirements:Florida accepts NCCAOM certification.

There are no requirements for medical doctors or osteopaths to practice acupuncture. Chiropractors may practice acupuncture with 100 hours training.


There are 356 Licensed Acupuncturists practicing in Hawaii.

Ms. Ruth Gushiken
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Professional and Vocational Licensing Division
Board of Acupuncture
P.O. Box 3469
Honolulu, Hawaii 96801
(808) 586-3000 (for application information)

Educational Requirements: An applicant must show completion of a formal program of not less than two academic years (600 hours) plus one year of supervised internship of not less than 12 months and 900 hours. The academic and internship training must total not less than 1500 hours. The rules allow clinical hours to be earned under a licensed acupuncturist who had been in practice a minimum of 5 years at the time the student intern commenced clinical training if the school does not provide the full clinical training.

Examination Requirements:Hawaii accepts NCCAOM certification. Hawaii also administers a jurisprudence examination.

MD’s, D.O.’s, Physician’s Assistants, and Chiropractors must all conform to the above regulations.

The Hawaii Acupuncture Statute


There are about 200 acupuncturists practicing in the state of Illinois.

Contact: Technical Assistance Unit
Illinois Department of Professional Regulation
320 W. Washington Street
Springfield, IL 62786
(217) 782-8556

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM examinations are accepted as the basis for licensure.

MD’s, D.O.’s and Chiropractors may practice acupuncture without any specific training. Dentists can practice too. Even nurses can do it with training (which is not specifically defined, under a doctor’s orders).

The Illinios Acupuncture Act


There are 8 Registered Acupuncturists in the state of Iowa.

Robert Long, Chief of Licensure and Administration
Iowa Board of Medical Examiners
1209 E. Court Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0180
(515) 281-6489

Educational Requirements and Examination Requirements : The NCCAOM comprehensive examination including the acupuncture theory and clean needle technique portions are required as is the NCCAOM PEPLS exam.

MD., D.O., D.C., Podiatrists, and Dentists are allowed to practice acupuncture without any additional training.

Chiropractors are allowed to practice acupuncture but is unknown what kind of training, if any is required for them.

The Iowa Acupuncture Code


Contact: Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure

The practice of acupuncture constitutes the practice of medicine and as such may only be engaged in by licensed physicians. Licensed physicians may not employ unlicensed practitioners and therefore may not supervise acupuncturists.


There are 59 Licensed Acupuncturists in the State of Maine.

Geraldine L. Betts
Dept. of Professional and Financial Regulation
Office of Licensing and Enforcement, State House Station #35
Augusta, Maine 04333
(207) 624-8603
e-mail: [email protected]

Education Requirements: A minimum of 1,000 hours of classroom instruction acupuncture and related subjects at an institution approved by the board and a minimum of 300 hours of clinical experience in the field of acupuncture.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM exam is accepted. Md.’s and Physician’s Assistants may practice acupuncture with no further training. Chiropractors can with 100 hours of training in acupuncture.

The Maine Acupuncture Statute


There are 589 Licensed Acupuncturists in the state of Massachusetts.

Mrs. Ann Marie Casey
Board of Registration in Medicine
Acupuncture Unit
10 West Street 3d Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02111
(617) 654-9800

Examination Requirements:An applicant must graduate from a committee approved acupuncture school with a minimum of 1350 clinical/didactic hours combined. An applicant must document 100 hours of clinic with sole responsibility for diagnosis and treatment of patients within the required 1350 hours of acupuncture education. If the school is in the USA, it must be accredited or in candidacy status with ACAOM.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification accepted.

Board Certification for Chinese Herbology: A licensee who wishes to use herbal therapy, patent or raw herbs, must obtain committee approval by submitting evidence of completion of ACAOM accredited or candidate status oriental medicine program; (2) completion of an herbal medicine program offered by a ACAOM accredited or candidate school that meets ACAOM curriculum requirements regarding herbal medicine or (3) completion of a program that is substantially equivalent to or exceeds the ACAOM curriculum requirements regarding herbal medicine.

The Acupuncture Law of Massachusetts


There are 88 acupuncturists in Minnesota.

Contact: Ms. Jeanee Hoffman
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice.
University Park Plaza
2829 University Ave. SE – Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3246

MD’s, D.O.’s and DC’s can practice acupuncture. No training is required.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification is utilized by the state. Therefore the applicant must meet NCCAOM requirements.

The Minnesota Acupuncture Statute


There are 398 Chiropractors practicing acupuncture in the state of Missouri. There are no licensed acupuncturists practicing there.

Contact: Ms. Sharlene Rimiller
State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
P.O. Box 672
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0672
(573) 751-2104

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification is utilized by the state. Therefore the applicant must meet NCCAOM requirements.

A chiropractor may practice with 100 hours of training.

The Missouri Acupuncture Statutes


Contact: State Board of Examiners in Medicine and Surgery.

MD’s and D.O.’s alone are allowed to practice acupuncture. No training is required. M.D.’s cannot supervise a practicing acupuncturist.

Update: June, 2001. This law has been changed and soon patients will be able to visit an L.Ac with the consent of a physician.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire
Contact: Christine Topham, Administrator
New Hampshire Board of Acupuncture Licensing
Department of Health and Human Services
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-6527
(603) 271-5127

Education Requirements: An applicant must have successfully completed a post-secondary acupuncture college program that is ACAOM or board approved. All applicants that have graduated from a non-ACAOM college or apprenticeship program must show proof of successful completion of a college level course in anatomy and physiology.

Examination Requirements:According to the book that this web page’s information comes from, there is no indication that an exam is used in regards to licensure in this state.

New Mexico

New Mexico
There are 390 Doctors of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico.

Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Board
2055 Pacheco Street, Suite 400
Santa Fe, NM 87504
Phone (505) 476-7081
Fax (505) 476-7095

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants who begin their education after September 30, 1993 must have completed 2400 clock hours of classes including a minimum of 1100 didactic education in acupuncture and oriental medicine and a minimum of 900 hours of supervised clinical practice. For those who began their education after Sept. 30, 1993, they must complete 2400 clock hours of classes including a minimum of 1100 hours of didactic education in acupuncture and Oriental medicine and a minimum of 900 hours of supervised clinical practice.

Examination Requirements: The NCCAOM written exam and the New Mexico sponsored practical exam. After July 1, 1999 the NCCAOM examination in Chinese herbology will also be required. Good for you, New Mexico.

M.d.’s, Chiropractors can practice acupuncture, though they cannot call themselves “acupuncturists”. Chiropractors can do acupuncture but they have to call it “meridian therapy”. MD’s can practice acupuncture with no specific training.

North Carolina

North Carolina
There are 167 Licensed Acupuncturists in North Carolina.

Ms. Diana Mills
North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board
893 US HWY 70 West, Suite 202
Garner, NC 27529
(919) 773-0530
Fax: (919) 779-5642
email: [email protected]
Eligibility Requirements: Applicant shall “Successfully complete a three-year postgraduate acupuncture college or training program approved by the Board.”

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM written and PEPLS exams are required. Arkansas Acupuncture Practices Act


There are 5 Registered Acupuncturists that we know of in Ohio. More to come.
Contact: State Medical Board.

MD’s, podiatrists and D.O.’s are allowed to practice acupuncture. Acupuncturists can only work under the supervision, though not necessarily at the same premises as a Physician.

Ohio Acupuncture Statute


There are 334 Licensed Acupuncturists in Oregon

Oregon Board of Medical Examiners
1500 SW First Avenue, Suite 620
Portland, Oregon 97201

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must graduate from a program that has been granted accreditation or candidacy status by the ACAOM.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM written and PEPLS exams are accepted.

MD’s and D.O.’s are allowed to practice acupuncture. No training is required.

Oregon Acupuncture Statute (keyword search “acupuncture”)

Rhode Island

Rhode Island
There are 79 Doctors of Acupuncture in Rhode Island.

Mr. Russell J. Spaight
State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations
Department of Health, Cannon Building
Three Capitol Hill Rm 104
Providence, Rhode Island 02908
(401) 277-2827

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must have “successfully completed an accredited course of study… at a foreign or domestic college… satisfactory to the department.”

Examination Requirements:NCCAOM written exam is required.

MD’s can practice acupuncture with 300 hours additional training.

The Acupuncture Statute of Rhode Island

South Dakota

South Dakota
Contact: State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners.

Chiropractors can practice acupuncture with the completion of a 100 hour course and 100 hours CEU in the two years following certification.


There are 27 Acupuncture Practitioners in the Beautiful state of Utah.

Ms. Karen Reimherr, Bureau Manager
Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 East 300 South, Box 146741
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741 (801) 530-6740

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must have met the requirements for current active certification in acupuncture under the guidelines established by the NCCAOM.

Examination Requirements: A Utah laws and rules examination is required.

MD’s can practice acupuncture with no additional training. Though they must represent themselves as medical doctors practicing acupuncture and not as acupuncturists.

The Acupuncture Act of Utah


There are 31 Licensed Acupuncturists in Virginia.

6606 West Broad St., 4th Fl.
Richmond, VA 23230-1717
Phone: (804) 662-9900
Fax: (804) 662-9943
Complaints: (800) 533-1560
License Info:(804) 662-7636

Eligibility and Examination Requirements Applicants who graduated from a NACSCAOM accredited school must document 1,000 hours of training. The language is rather lengthy, and those interested in more info, are encouraged to call the Virginia Board of Medicine. NCCAOM written and PEPLS exams are accepted.

The state of Virginia recommends that patients first receive a diagnosis from an MD.

MD’s, D.O.’s, Chiropractors, and Podiatrists can practice acupuncture following 200 hours of instruction. Podiatrists can only treat pain syndromes originating in the human foot.

The Virginia Acupuncture Code is available for review at:

West Virginia

West Virginia
There are 30 licensed practitioners in West Virginia

Contact: D.E. Samples
Board Secretary
P.O. Box 252
Huntington, WV 25707-0252
(304) 529-4558

Examination Requirements: Requirements include: graduation from a NACSCAOM accredited course (1800 hrs with 300 clinical).

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM written or equivalent to be determined by the Board.

MD’s can practice acupuncture with no additional training. Chiropractors can practice after 100 hours of training.

The West Virginia Acupuncture Law


Contact: State Board of Medical Examiners.

Acupuncture is not regulated in Wyoming.



There are about 30 chiropractors practicing acupuncture in Alabama. However, there are also a number of Licensed Acupuncturists as well. So the information for Alabama that follows is a bit behind the times.

Contact: State Board of Medical Examiners

There is no practice act for acupuncturists. Only a medical doctor, osteopath, chiropractor or physician’s assistant may practice acupuncture in Alabama. There are no specific training requirements to practice acupuncture.


Updated: 5/19/01
Arizona Board of Acupuncture Examiners
1400 W. Washington #230
Pheonix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-3095

Acupuncture requires a license, unless it is considered to be within the scope of practice of other health care providers. Acupuncture does not require a license for those who self-administer acupuncture.

Educational Requirements:Graduation from or completed training in a board approved program of acupuncture with a minimum of 1850 hours that includes at least 800 hour of clinical.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM examinations are accepted as well as lisenses from other states with substantially similar standards, and has not had certification or licensure revoked.

The Arizona Practice Act can be viewed on-line.
Scroll down to the very end of the document, that’s where you’ll find the acupuncture links. You can also just do a keyword search for “acupuncture” once that page loads.


There are 4387 actively licensed acupuncturists in California.

Ms. Sherry B. Mehl
Department of Consumer Affairs
Medical Board, Acupuncture Board
1424 Howe Ave. Suite 37
Sacramento, CA 95825-3233
(916) 263-2680

Eligibility Requirements: An applicant must graduate from an approved school and complete four academic years of education with a minimum of 1548 hours of theory including Western science, clinical medicine, TCM theory, diagnosis, Chi Kung, needling techniques, moxibustion, and acupressure, herbology, practice management and ethics, and 800 hours of clinical training.

Examination Requirements: California administers its own exam which includes herbology.

Acupuncture is within the scope of practice of medical doctors, it is unknown what sort of training is required.

California Education Code
Once there, search for the word “acupuncture”.

California Buisness and Professions Code
Once there, search for the word “acupuncture”.


There are about 200 acupuncturists in Connecticut.

Contact: Ms. Norma Shea
Department of Public Health
Division of Medical Quality Assurance
410 Capitol Ave.
MS # 12 APP P.O. Box 34308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
(860) 509-7562

Educational Requirements:Applicant must have successfully completed a course of study in acupuncture in a program which, at the time of graduation, was in candidate status with or accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the US DOE which included a minimum of 1,350 of didactic and clinical training, 500 of which were clinical.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM examinations is utilized.

MD’s, chiros, dentists and physical therapists are exempt from the statute.

Acts by the State of Connecticut of interest to acupuncturists

District of Columbia

District of Columbia
There are 117 Acupuncturists in the District of Columbia.

Ms. C. Yvonne Crawford
Advisory Committee on Acupuncture
D.C. Board of Medicine
614 H. Street. NW. Room 108
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 727-5365

Educational and Examination Requirements: An applicant must show either completion of either three academic years of instruction in acupuncture including 500 hours of clinic, or two academic years of instruction in a school for acupuncture plus 1500 hours of apprenticeship. The school must be legally chartered or organized in the state, territory, or country where the school is located or accredited or recognized by ACAOM. The applicant must then pass the NCCAOM exam.



There are currently about a dozen Licensed Acupuncturists in Georgia.

Contact: Department of Community Health under the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners.

Educational Requirements:An applicant must be certified in acupuncture by a national certification agency accredited by the National Organization of Competency Assurance and approved by the Georgia acupuncture board. We’re presuming that this is referencing the NCCAOM certification

There are no requirements for medical doctors to practice acupuncture, though they cannot call themselves “acupuncturists”. Chiropractors must become licensed acupuncturists to practice acupuncture.

Please note that before any person licensed to practice acupuncture in Georgia, who has less than one year of postgraduate clinical experience, may practice on his or her own, such person must engage in one year of active practice under the supervision of a licensed acupuncturist with a minimum of four years active licensed clinical practice.

The Georgia Acupuncture Act


Contact:Idaho State Board of Acupuncture
Bureau of Occupational Licenses
1109 Main Street, Suite 220
Boise, Idaho 83702-5642
(208) 334-3233

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM examinations are accepted as the basis for licensure.


Contact: Health Professions Bureau

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM examinations are accepted as the basis for licensure.

The Indiana Code for Acupuncture


Contact: State Board of Healing Arts.

MD’s, D.O.’s, Podiatrists can practice acupuncture. No additional training is required by law. Physician’s assistants may practice acupuncture if authorized by the physician.

Acupuncturists may practice under the supervision of, by order of or referral by a M.D., D.O., or D.C.


Ms. M. Glasper
Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
830 union Street, Suite 100
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112-1449
(504) 524-6763

Educational Requirements for Md.’s & D.O.’s: six months of training in traditional Chinese acupuncture in a school or clinic approved by the board.

Educational Requirements for Acupuncture Assistant: 36 months training in a school or clinic of traditional Chinese acupuncture approved by the board.

Examination Requirements: Non specified.

The so-called acupuncture assistant must be employed by and work under the direction, control and supervision of a physician and shall perform such duties, services and functions pertaining to acupuncture as assigned by said employer. The acupuncture assistant is not required to work on-site with the physician.

The Louisiana Acupuncture Act and 2003 amendment.


There are 433 Registered Acupuncturists in the state of Maryland.

Ms. Penny Heisler
State Board of Acupuncture
Room 320
4201 Patterson Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
(410) 764-4766

Maryland Annotated Code and Supplement – Acupuncture

Educational Requirements. The statute requires that an applicant shall have graduated from a course of training of at least 1,800 hours, including 300 clinical hours that is approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, approved by ACAOM or found by the Board to be equivalent to a course approved by ACAOM. An applicant need not take an examination if she/he has met these educational requirements.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification is accepted.

Use of Titles: An acupuncturist must wear a tag designating him or herself as a “Registered Acupuncturist” while doing treatment and may not use the word “doctor” unless he or she is currently a physician.


Contact: Board of Medicine.

Acupuncture has been determined to be the practice of medicine by the Attorney General. This, only medical doctors and osteopaths may practice of supervise acupuncture. This isn’t so much a law but a decision made by a court (#4832 to be exact). There is no law regulating the practice of acupuncture in Michigan.

There are no separate training requirements for medical doctors or osteopaths to practice acupuncture other than their medical education and training.

A medical doctor or osteopath may supervise an acupuncturist if the medical doctor first examines the patient and determines that acupuncture is the treatment of choice. The medical doctor is responsible for all delegated acts.

Acupuncture is not within the scope of practice of a chiropractor.


Contact: State Board of Medical Licensure.

Acupuncture may be performed in the state of Mississippi only by a physician licensed to practice medicine or surgery, or a dentist licensed to practice dentistry in the state.

An acupuncturist may not practice under the supervision of an M.D., or a D.O.


There are 98 Certified Acupuncturists in Montana.

Ms. Came Robson
Department of Commerce
Board of Medical Examiners
111 N. Jackson,
P.O. Box 200513
Helena, Montana 59620-0513
(406) 444-4284

Examination Requirement: NCCAOM certification required.

MD’s, D.O.’s, podiatrists and chiropractors must also pass the NCCAOM examination.

The Montana Acupuncture Practice Act


There are 30 Doctors of Oriental Medicine (DOM) and Assistants in Acupuncture.

Ms. Judi Koperski
Nevada State Board of Oriental Medicine
201 Sarah Drive
Carson City, NV 89706
(702) 486-4279

Educational Requirements: To be a D.O.M. in Nevada, an applicant must have successfully completed a three year course in acupuncture or a four year course in traditional Oriental medicine and have practiced acupuncture and herbal medicine for six years.

Educational Requirements: To be an assistant in acupuncture, an applicant must have successfully completed a three year course in acupuncture no experience is required. However, there are two more levels of licensing, one is the “Acupuncturist” and the other is Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Once you have practiced under the supervising Doctor of Oriental Medicine for six years you can become an acupuncturist. Or you can practice elsewhere for six years and then come to Nevada. Please contact the Board for more information.

Examination Requirements: Nevada gives its own examination. MD’s can practice acupuncture if he/she has received “adequate training.”

As of May, 2001, Nevada is looking at changing this law, the text of the revisions can be found here:

New Jersey

New Jersey
There are 101 Certified Acupuncturists in New Jersey

Attn: Ronald Calderon
State of New Jersey
Acupuncture Examining Board
PO Box 183
Trenton, NJ 08625-0183

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree and have successfully completed a board approved two year course of study or a board approved two year program of a school of acupuncture. Completing two years of a three or four year program is not acceptable.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification will allow you to sit for the New Jersey’s state acupuncture exam.

The initial acupuncture treatment shall only be performed with a referral or diagnosis from a physician.

MD’s and dentists can practice acupuncture, but cannot call themselves acupuncturists until passing the above described tests.

The New Jersey Acupuncture Act

New York

New York
Since 1976, NYS has licensed more than 500 Licensed acupuncturists. These are non-physician acupuncturists. In addition, they have certified 652 physicians to practice acupuncture.

Ms. Ronnie Hausheer
NY State Board for Acupuncture
State Education Department
Cultural Educational Center Room 3103
Albany, New York 12230
(518) 473-0221

Eligibility Requirements: For licensure of non-physician acupuncturists in NYS, they require completion of a program of 4050 clock hours (Most 3-year NACSCAOM-accredited programs meet this requirement.) In addition, an individual must have completed a minimum of 60 semester hours from an accredited college or university (or the equivalent), including 9 semester hours in the biosciences. We also require course work in anatomy, pathology and physiology. Finally, as with all the licensed professions in NYS, proof of English proficiency is required.

Examination Requirements: Passage of the NCCAOM written examination is required.

Here’s the New York state acupuncture act

North Dakota

North Dakota
Contact: State Board of Medical Examiners.

MD’s and D.O.’s alone are allowed to practice acupuncture. No training is required. Chiropractors can practice acupuncture with an additional 100 hours training. There is an interesting loophole that says that its okay to perform acupuncture if its part of a religious ceremony as a form or worship, devotion or healing where no drugs or medicines are prescribed and no surgical or physical operations are performed. It is unknown if the insertion of a needle is considered surgery.


Contact: State Board of Medical Licensure.

MD’s and D.O.’s alone are allowed to practice acupuncture. No training is required. Supervision of an acupuncturist by an M.D. is not allowed. Chiropractors can practice acupuncture with additional training.


There are 282 Acupuncturists practicing in Pennsylvania

Ms. Gina Bittner
Board of Osteopathic Examiners/Board of Medical Examiners
P.O. Box 2649
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105
(717) 783-4858

Eligibility Requirements: Graduates of U.S. programs must show two academic years of acupuncture training plus two academic years of a college level educational program.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM certification accepted. Practitioners must be supervised by a medical doctor registered as an acupuncture supervisor.

MD’s can practice acupuncture provided they complete a 200 hour CEU training program.

South Carolina

South Carolina
There are currently 73 licensed practitioners in South Carolina

Ms. Annette Disher
Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Board of Medical Examiners 110 Centerview Dr. Suite 202
P.O. Box 11289
Columbia, SC 29211-1289

MD’s, dentists, and D.O.’s can practice acupuncture with no additional training.

Eligibility Requirements: None specified

Examination Requirements: an applicant must be NCCAOM certified.

Referral Requirements: Acupuncturists can practice under the supervision of any of the above listed licensed professionals, provided the treatment takes place in a state approved facility. The physician or dentist shall must be immediately available or present at the site to attend to any unexpected, adverse effects. The supervising doctor or dentist shall submit proof of special training in acupuncture or specific knowledge about acupuncture treatments.

The South Carolina Acupuncture Law


Contact: Tennessee Department of Health and Environment.

A health license is needed to practice acupuncture though not necessarily a medical doctor license. The Attorney General Opinion stated: “An individual wishing to practice acupuncture must be licensed by the appropriate health related board.”


There are 52 Certified Acupuncturists in Vermont.

Ms. Peggy Atkins, Staff Assistant
Office of Professional Regulation
109 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05609-1106
(802) 828-2373

Eligibility and Examination Requirements: Completion of a three year program in acupuncture and Oriental medicine with a minimum of 800 hours of supervised clinical practice approved by the director.

NCCAOM exam is accepted.

MD’s and Chiropractors can registered with the above office for their privilege to practice.

The Vermont Acupuncture Statute


There are 274 Licensed Acupuncturists (formally “certified acupuncturist”) in the state of Washington.

Ms. Tammy Benson
Department of Health
1300 Quince St. SE
P.O. Box 47868
Olympia, Washington 98504-7868
Phone: (360) 236-4858
Fax: (360) 753-0657
e-mail: [email protected]

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must show two years of academic coursework. Clinical work must by completed over a minimum of one academic year, and include 100 hours of observation and at least 400 patient treatments with 100 different patients.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM written exam is required along with the NCCAOM written, PEPLS and the CNT Course are required.

MD’s and D.O.’s can practice acupuncture with no additional training.

The Washington Acupuncutre Law


There are 165 Acupuncturists in Wisconsin

Ms. Julie Reinmann Program Assistant
Dept. of Regulation and Licensure
Bureau of Health Service Professions
Acupuncture Certification
PO Box 8935
1400 E. Washington Ave.
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
(608) 266-0070

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must show the equivalent of at least two consecutive years of full time education and clinical work in Oriental diagnostic and therapeutic theories and practices at a school accredited by the NACSCAOM or the NCCAOM.

Examination Requirements: NCCAOM exam accepted, plus CNT Course.

MD’s, D.O.’s, Podiatrists and Physician’s Assistants can practice acupuncture without additional training. Chiropractors cannot practice acupuncture without receiving the same training as listed above for acupuncturists.

Wisconsin Acupuncture Statute

Important Downloads

Important Links

This section contains information on acupuncture licensure, registration, renewal, and associated resources for the health professional.